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Background Stuff: Software, Models and Illustrations.

Tools of the trade:
Poser Pro 2014
At this point, I'm still in the process of collecting and importing all the free models I can find.  It's a little time consuming because I've had to figure out how to fix many of the models and I've still much more to figure out I'm sure.  The cover of Haunted Pasts was created with Poser so I suppose that is my first real render.  Additional tools essential to 3D modeling will be added in time.  Though I still have more to explore, for now I think that this purchase was money well spent.


This has proven to be an invaluable editing tool when it comes to fixing meshes.  I haven't gotten into trying to modify the meshes yet so I don't know if this program can do that but it works wonderfully with replication.


Though the functions of this software take some getting used to, it is good for altering the shape of and smoothing the surface of the mesh.


Hexagon (Daz3D)
This isn't the most versitile or intuitive software and I know I still have more to learn about it but it does read just about everything.  I've used this thus far to break apart meshes that kHED can't read.  This is especially important with multi-model meshes.


Models and illustrations:


<Description of Model or Illustration Here >

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