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While this isn't my first attempt at a Blog, it will hopefully be my best attempt at a Blog.  Reading is a passion for me so reviewing books seems only natural.  My love of literature extends also to writing so some of what you'll find on my site may even be by me.  Alas, with so little time to balance between family and work and 3D graphics and reading and household duties and ... well, I guess you get the point that stories from me may not be so quick in coming but I do hope they will be as fun for you to read as they were for me to write.


I grew up in small towns all the way through college never quite fitting into any circle.  Actually to say that I grew up may not be entirely accurate as I've stubbornly held fast to the child within.  I've heard it said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ... actually that is such a silly statement given all the dreaded ailments and obstacles out there but it does have a point and I'm decidedly not the backwards kid of my past.  While fate has delivered me some vicious blows, it has likewise graced me with some true miracles, among them the love of my life without whom I would be truly lost.  Here's hoping that there is never a circumstance that forces me to learn to survive alone.


I'm told that I have a peculiar way of expressing myself.  Interestingly, all my life, even in the place where I grew up, I was told that I had an accent.  Perhaps my distinct form of expression is just my literary accent.  I'd never say that this makes me sound as sophisticated as the British or as daring as Austrians but I am what I am and I wouldn't be caught dead being anything less.  So here is a toast to you (imagine a raised glass) for visiting my website and hopefully you will enjoy my ... favorite books as much as I did.  Incidentally, my favorite toast happens to be: "May the best of your past be the worst of your future."







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